Answered question

How to use closeConnections()?

I need close down a WebSocket connection at the end of a business process for a logged in user. I've seen in the documentation that the method closeConnections() can be used for this. Are you able to provide details or an example of how to implement that in my script?

Ajaz Z.
Ajaz Z.

Ajaz Z.

23 / 100

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You can use a Javascript action and put inside that closeConnections();

But be careful it will close all user connections and not only WebSocket ones.

For your information there's an option at the Actions container level to reset the user session on each iteration which includes a reset of cookies, cache, variables and connections.

Ajaz Z.
Ajaz Z.

Ajaz Z.

23 / 100


I tried that and I get an error message:

Get a JS-ERROr EVAL response code
ReferenceError:"closeConnections" is not defined. (Script=CloseConnections;Line=1)