Unanswered question

override settings of my project in a Azure DevOps pipeline with neoload-cli

I run my test through Azure DevOps and the neoload-cli task for configure and launch my neoload test. i would like to apply a different settings of my project without opening again my project. I see it s possible in the doc but dont know if we can do it with NeoLoad-cli ? My project is in a git repo ans uploaded via neoload -cli. And i would like to use yaml file to overrride some settings but i dont know if its possible .. This is my pipeline :

  • task: Bash@3
  • displayName: Configure the NeoLoad test
    continueOnError: true
    targetType: 'inline'
    script: |
    neoload login --url "${{variables.neoloadApiUrl}}" --workspace "Default" "${{parameters.neoloadToken}}" \
    test-settings --zone "${{parameters.zoneId}}" --lgs ${{parameters.lgs}} --scenario "${{parameters.scenario}}" createorpatch "${{parameters.TestNameNeoload}}" \
    project --path "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" upload "${{parameters.TestNameNeoload}}"

    • task: Bash@3
    • displayName: Run the NeoLoad test
      continueOnError: true
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
      neoload run \
      --name "${{parameters.TitleTest}} $(DateBuild)" --description "${{parameters.DescriptionTest}}"

Baptiste C.
Baptiste C.

Baptiste C.

3 / 100
