Hi all,
I am using Neoload 4.0.2 with GWT. With GWT you have to record Neoload scenarios each time you test a new version of the web application. That's ok as I use selenium IDE to speed up that process.
The problem is : I have a set of about 20 variables that are in every GWT requests of my scenario. At this time I must replace each variable by a placeholder after each scenario recording, that's a long and tedious task, even with Neoload GUI's search and replace.
Neoload internal files contains repository.xml where all requests are stored. With a tiny script, I could replace my variables but the GWT content is encoded in base64 format inside a CDATA tag. A this point I'm a bit puzzled, isn't that belt and suspenders ? if you have a CDATA tag then no need to encode the GWT content in base64 format.
Anyway, my question is : is there a way to disable base64 encoding of GWT request content in repository.xml ?