Unanswered question

How to handle a PKCE authentification in NeoLoad?

The Web App I got to test user some authentification I identified as PKCE.
How can I handle this in NeoLoad?

The parameter I got to fill are:
GET https://l[...]/federation/oauth2

redirect_uri: https://a-r[...].com/app/auth
code_challenge: Re-cj4g4mSva62CqBTVXVFwOQ3XNlUM5E-C4nZefZ1E (not known)
client_id: rob556rt-2j8b-0sc9-wxa1-477psrt2x[...] (known)
code_challenge_method: S256
response_type: code
nonce: 1BxMJ2bGHmYL8bNoalKEHg (not known)
state: tWHERUeWz1r6vVezFIHmCQ (not known)
scope: openid

If everything goes fine I get an oidc code to use further.

It seems like I got to generate the code_challenge on base of the redirect_uri , but thats all I see. The nonce and state are unknown to me as well.

My documentation on this:

Anyone did this before?

Günter-Albert E.
Günter-Albert E.

Günter-Albert E.

42 / 100

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