Unanswered question

ControllerAgent.exe going off immediately after launching

Hi When I am trying to run ControllerAgent.exe in Neoload 6.10.0, its showing up in the taskbar for 3-4 seconds and then going off. Even the notification icon is not visible for the same.
Whereas LoadGeneratorAgent.exe behaves perfectly fine and is visible in task manager as well as in the notification tray. Please suggest.

Abhinav S.
Abhinav S.

Abhinav S.

23 / 100


Before starting your controller agent make sure that in the folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Neotys\NeoLoad\v6.10 you do not have a controller-agent.lock file that is still there. If it's the case remove it and try again to start your agent. This lock file should only be there when a controller agent is running.

If it does not work then look at the log files in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Neotys\NeoLoad\v6.10\logs and especially the files controller-agent*** for more information.