I need to copy all Request values from the Values tab to Excel for further analysis. When I paste the data the request names are not displayed and are instead replaced by UID values. Anyone know a way around this?
i have a script which runs perfectly fine when i do check user path but when i run it on server the last step does not execute at all. can you please help with this...
I understood that your load policy was 5 VU's but what was your duration policy? Maybe the test ended before the last transactions can be executed.
Also have you checked in the...
How do you export the percentiles i.e. 95th & 99th of all elements in the Values tab, as it only allows me export Average, Min, Max TTFB etc and does not include any percentiles.
How throughput is calculated in the Neoload test result? Does it add content-length of each response over test duration and divide by duration length? Do you consider response...
The throughput is the amount of HTTP data received by the Load Generator from the server. It includes the headers+body.
It's almost computed the same way for transactions...