Unanswered question

When validating user path, the response I get is not the same as the recorded response, what is the issue?

I am running a test where I open up a website and login in, upon opening up the website the server would generate a sessionId which is then passed across to the following requests.

I have extracted that parameter from the first response and then made it into a variable in the following requests.

However, when I try and run the Validate User Path it does not find the variable I tried to extract as the response is not the same as the recorded one.

Could you please assist with this ?


abdullah A.
abdullah A.

abdullah A.

22 / 100


Hello Abdullah,

Firstly you can check your test environment : Does something change ?
Secondly, you can test your login scenario manually from the browser and look for the variable you want to extract on the developer tool panel views. From that, you guess its place and extrapolate the extraction configuration. After doing so, if it work, you will update your response content of your request after the validation.
In the end, retry to record your scenario.
If your session ID is in the header of the response, and in the cookie, you will have to disable neoload automatic cookie handling before replacing it in the subsequent request cookies.

Best Regards,
Fousseyni B.

abdullah A.
abdullah A.

abdullah A.

22 / 100

Hi Fousseyni,

Thanks for the prompt response. Running this doesn't actually make a change in the test environment which suggests it is not going through to that stage.

I have identified the variable that needs to be extracted and as mentioned above it's the sessionId, this is also then placed in the cookie for the subsequent requests.

But as I replay the scenario it doesn't detect the first instance of the sessionId as the response is not complete.

How can I disable neoload automatic cookie handling before replacing it ?