Unanswered question

How do we track revisions made to a project in Neo-Load

I'm trying to find the timestamp and author for a changed that was published to the project for a user path.

Where can we track the changes?

Sumedh V.
Sumedh V.

Sumedh V.

7 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

You can't do that from NeoLoad but if i assume you use SVN protocol and maybe the NTS server then you can use a SVN client like Tortoise. You will be able to see the revisions with all the commits and the eventual comments.

Be careful only Tortoise 1.7.xx version is compatible with NTS in case it's what you use. If you have your own SVN server i guess you can use the tool of your choice but you may have to check with the person responsible of your SVN server.

The same response stands if you use GIT. Nothing can be done on NeoLoad side.