Unanswered question

Why are response times high when no initialization?

I have two similar user paths. The first path has only one Action which is an HTTP GET request. The second path has the same Action, but also an Init request which runs before.
Surprisingly the first path reports a response time of ~300 ms, which is pretty high.
The second path reports a response time of ~80 ms which is correct.
It seems that user paths that do not have an Init request calculate the response time incorrectly.

Ofer R.
Ofer R.

Ofer R.

42 / 100


Ofer R.
Ofer R.

Ofer R.

42 / 100

More information:
I've constructed a scenario in which the Init request has no relevance to the Action request, but it still affects the reported Response Time.
I'm running the test locally on my Mac, with only 1 user (no stress).

When a user path has an init section, the assumption is made that action section is a returning user and therefore has cached content and not all resources are downloaded. This could account for the speed difference. You have control over this.