Unanswered question

Getting error "LGlocalhost:7100 unavailable". Has JDK 1.8.0_181 & Class path has set.Need to set any firewall settings?

My team has installed Neo load for a new project and started using it. But one person from my team installed Neo load in his new laptop and while running he keeps Getting error
"Load generator localhost:7100 unavailable " every time he ran the script. But i was able to run the script successfully. Both the system has java, except the version is different. I am having JDK 1.8.0_191 and he is having 1.8.0_181.
And in both the systems Java Class path has set properly. Is there any other firewall settings need to be setup in the system.

Venkata Suresh Babu G.
Venkata Suresh Babu G.

Venkata Suresh Babu G.

8 / 100


NeoLoad embeds its own JRE version. So you should not set any JAVA classpath or even adding JAVA in your PATH or you can get issue like this with NeoLoad. I'm not saying it's the root cause of your issue but you may get issues because of this.

Regarding your LG issue the first thing to check is if when you start a check virtual user a java.exe process is able to start or not. Look at the task manager and display all the processes to check that.

In case look at the LG log for any information. You can open the logs from the menu "Help-->Open logs folder..."