It is observed that there is an Agent/MonitoringAgent.vmoptions files in the \bin folder and also there is an Agent/ files in the \conf folder. I would like to understand the difference between them as I begin to tune my Controller/LoadGenerator settings.
Yes, the vmoptions are small as the agent doesn't work hard, so 512m, the engine (properties) takes a quarter of the available RAM, you can change these settings to reflect your needs
Like the load generator, the monitoring has two components, the agent and the engine, the agent is the middleman, in communication with the Neoload Controller. When the Controller wants to begin monitoring, it speaks to the agent and the agent then spins up the engine to do the actual work
vmoptions = agent (small footprint 512m)
properties = engine (bigger footprint 1/4 RAM)
Thanks Neil. Does this mean the Memory options that I specify in .vmoptions and .properties are independent of each other? If yes, which would require higher memory .vmoptions or .properties file?
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