Is it possible to integrate neoload+git+jenkins for DevOps.
STEP 1. Neoload scripts stored in git.
STEP 2. Jenkins must retrieve the Neoload script from GIT and run it with the locally present neoloadCMD.exe.
STEP 3. should monitor the execution with Neoload web and also should be able to monitor with Dynatrace.
since all the auto/manual/NFT scripts are stored in same GIT, NTS is not to be used here.
Is this setup possible?
see attachments
Hi, yes, this is is possible, please see example screen shots (being attached)
Thanks Neil,
Should I use the Jenkinsfile concept here [Pipeline]?
can you provide a sample or an example Pipeline Script code for Neoload script to retrieval from git by jenkin for local access.(Snippet Generator).
I can see a lot on maven, require for Neoload(.nlp)
You can use the Neoload build action or a pipeline call, both will work. Here is an example of Neoload from the Snippet generator (you will need to be on recent Neoload plugin to see this)...
neoloadRun executable: 'C:\\Program Files\\NeoLoad 6.5\\bin\\NeoLoadCmd.exe', project: [server: 'My NTS', name: 'Mine_v650', publishTestResult: true], testName: 'Result of SomePipeTest $Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy} (build ${BUILD_NUMBER})', testDescription: 'My pipe run...', commandLineOption: '-nlweb -nlwebAPIURL http://ubuntu-playpen:8080 -nlwebToken tDG9eZIYsgvA98F29gF1JxPW -variables sla_failure=100', scenario: 'SomeScenario', sharedLicense: [server: 'My NTS', duration: 2, vuCount: 50], trendGraphs: ['AvgResponseTime', 'ErrorRate']
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