Hi, I am trying to trigger selenium scripts from Neoload. I am able to reach the point where browser instances are triggered and web transactions are completed on the application under test. However, in the output graphs section there is no activity recorded for the requests/responses and throughput.
Below is the wrapper I have use to enable proxy driver. is there something that am missing here ?
public static NLWebDriver createDriverForNeoLoad() {
logger.info("The browser to open is: " + TestProperty.BROWSER);
browser = TestProperty.BROWSER.trim().toLowerCase();
switch (browser) {
case "chrome":
logger.info("Creating the instance of webdriver.chrome.driver...");
final File file = new File("src/test/resources/chromedriver.exe");
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", file.getAbsolutePath());
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("chrome.setProxyByServer", true);
final ChromeDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver(addProxyCapabilitiesIfNecessary(new DesiredCapabilities()));
// projectPath used to open NeoLoad project, null to use currently opened Project.
final String projectPath = "C:\\Users\\cn151181\\Documents\\NeoLoad Projects\\HealthAssessments\\HealthAssessments.nlp";
driver = NLWebDriverFactory.newNLWebDriver(webDriver, "Rahul", projectPath);
logger.info("initilaized the neoload proxy driver - Rn");
try {
throw new Exception(TestProperty.BROWSER +" NOT supported. Choose either firefox, ie, or chrome.");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("The requested browser is NOT supported! Choose either firefox, ie, or chrome.", e);
return driver;
In your test that follows declaring the driver, are you using the driverName.startTransaction("transactionName") and driverName.stopTransaction()? you need to wrap transaction/timers around selenium action to get timings on the graphs
@ Neil -- Yes, i have used the start/stop transactions.
@Test(priority = 1, alwaysRun = true)
public void completeAboutYou(@Optional("female")String gender){
driver.startTransaction("About You");
*********perform transactions *********