I am testing an application with SAP UI5 technology. NeoLoad is not storing the response body during recording and in replaying also while this response is very crucial for correlation. How to fix this?
I am trying to evaluate Neoload for our application which uses websockets. I’m using Neoload Free Edition 7.0 and the trial license I have has WebSocket & Push module...
A WebSocket channel is a permanent connection with the server so it can send data to the connected clients. That's why you get multiple responses without any user interaction...
I am able to see the think time while checking the recorded script.But when i am running the recorded script with multiple virtual users.What ever response time captured is...
The response time when you manually connect to your application is the sum of server response time + browser rendering page. It's not related to think time that you can see in...
I have session token in rest API Response:-
Token: e98b421fjdg22-2gjj23-5638gjj
Now when I try to extract above
I have extractor value starting with : Token:
But I...
The screenshot doesn’t match your question but it doesn’t matter, it there is no ending the just leaving it blank is fine, it should go until the carriage return (aka new line)