Answered question

Share project to upload imported project is returning error. How do I resolve this error?

In Neoload 5.1.4 I am selecting Share / Share Project to upload imported project to new installation of Team Server 2.1.4.
I am getting error: REPORT of /svnroot/repository/!svn/vcc/default': 500 Internal Server Error

In Edit / Preferences / Neotys Team Server settings are verified and [Test] returns Connection successful.

I have stopped windows firewall.
There is no AV software running.
NTS installed on AWS server running Windows 2008 R2 Data Center.

I am using Neoload 5.1.4 to upload (share project). It is installed on the same server as NTS

Jim D.
Jim D.

Jim D.

9 / 100

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