Unanswered question

Comparison Report : How to include the external data in the comparion reporst

I use NeoLoad and Selenium integrated to see the page rendering time.
The result shows the external data and it looks really good.
But when two such reports are compared , the external data is not picked as I guess that is not being considered as shown in attached pic

I would like to include this 'external data' when I compare two such reports too. that will add value to my testing.
Any idea on how to include this in to comparison report will be really helpful


Musaffir L.
Musaffir L.

Musaffir L.

455 / 750


The external data are not part of the data that can be automatically added but you can still create you own dashboard based on those data and make sure that they are added in all your reports.

You can post an idea on that community web site in order to get feedback of the NeoLoad product manager.