Unanswered question

Neo Load Result : Page Response time : Is it equivalent to browser page load time ?


The response time (pages) that we see in the neo load test results , is it kind of equivalent to the amount of time that the same page takes to load in a browser window ?

when it comes to a browser , the page dom rendering and other related things happens...

is NeoLoad considering those too, or response time (pages) is it just a server response time ?

Thanks & Warm Regards


Both refer to the same concept of Web page but NeoLoad sticks at protocol level: the page response time is the time between when the first Request is sent and the time of the last byte of the response of the last Request. (Like a for browser, requests within a page are parallelized). It means that NeoLoad measurement does not include the rendering time.

If you are interested in getting the full response time for a browser for a sample of calls, then you can integrate with Selenium as described here: http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/htm...

Thank you Christophe for replying .

In a normal case if you load any web application in a browser , for the submitted requests from the browser to the server , all the contents gets downloaded to the browser from server ( which included images , js , css and other resources etc ) This is Page Load time... ... once it is downloaded the browser starts displaying or rendering it .... This is page rendeing time....

so do you meant to say in NeoLoad gives us the Page Load time ...
But to know the actual page rendering time ( which is what a normal user experience when open the app in the browser , and this may be few sec extra than the page load time ), we may take help of some other like selenium ?

Yes NeoLoad page response time is close to the page loading and it does not compute the rendering time (works at protocol level) so I you're interested in it you can use a browser-based script with Selenium that is executed in parallel of the load test (Rendering time and page loading events can be sent to NeoLoad through the Data Exchange API for storage and correlation, Neotys Selenium driver does this automatically for you).

Thanks Christophe for the reply .

I tried to have an integration between my selenium scripts and Neo Load.I see it as a promising one and I have partial success so far. I have got following 3 questions .

Q1. I tried executing the user path having the advanced "java_test_script" configured with exported selenium jar. and this was done in the EndUserExperience mode to get the time measurements... I see 'External Data' in the result with all the page loading and dom complete timing etc.. this part is fine ..but in the Result summary section total pages , requests etc are not captured ... also the main graph of Avg page response time , avg request response time etc are blank.... is this expected ? is it because no transaction created when exported selenium script jar is simply used ... attched pic1 and pic2 for your reference...

Q2. When I compare two reports which are generated by two different runs, the 'External Data' is not getting compared... and there is no information about iit in the generated report... is it an issue ?

Q3. I tried to use the same exported selenium jar to develop user paths having transactions ... with the mode Design... but end up getting following exceptions
1. Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Issue contacting DesignAPI server.
2.Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost:7400/Design/v1/Service.svc//$metadata

what exactly is the design file ... tried providing -Dnl.design.api.url=http://[localhost]:7400/Design/v1/Service.svc/
is the port should be same as the load generator port ?...tried that too but observed same issue... can you pelase let me know what is the significance of it ...

Thanks & Warm Regards

Hi Musaffi,

Q1. The EuE / Selenium stuff is supposed to be run in parallel of the load test. If you have a VUPath that executes the selenium when you launch the test, you must also have in your scenario a Population that contains a VUPath that simulates the load at protocol level. (regular Load Testing).

Q2. Comparison for third-party data is not yet available.

Q3. You need the link to Design REST API embedded in NeoLoad. So the host is where the Controller is running. See full path in the preferences "Project settings / REST API"

Hi Christ,
Regarding your answer to Q1,
I tried running them in parallel ... adding both the population ( one with the selenium script and another with the normal neo load scripts which hit the server protocol level ) to the scenario... and both has the identical flows on the application...

Both gets triggered at the same time..
But the selenium on browser usually runs fast... and as soon as the slenium one gets finished ...neo load is actually not executing or completing the other one ... it just stop the overall execution and gives the result ... and ultimately the result contains only the transaction which got completed ...and not the rest....
any idea how to handle this ?



Hard to give you advices without all the settings. You have to make sure that each population runs enough iterations. You may use time-based scenario (ex: run 5mn each population) or increase the duration of the Population linked to the Selenium: add more iteration or check the time.