Unanswered question

Can Neoload be integrated with TFS for continuous testing?

Microsoft TFS has been introduced for Continuous Delivery and since Neoload is being used for the NFT activities, we wanted to know if Neoload can be integerated with TFS for Continouos Testing.

Sreenivasan S.
Sreenivasan S.

Sreenivasan S.

71 / 100


Neotys does not provide a plugin yet for TFS as for Jenkins, Bamboo or TeamCity.

Nevertheless, you can insert NeoLoad in any Continuous Integration tool by using the command line.

The full documentation is here with examples at the bottom. In the scope of Continuous Integration pay attention to : "-SLAJUnitResults" that produces a reports on the SLAs defined in NeoLoad, in a JUnit format so that it can be handled by the CI server. (Get here a command line sample from an older Jenkins plugin: http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/5.0.x/en/WebHelp/6938.jpg)

Note that NeoLoad in September will have a process that returns a different exit code when the test have some SLA failing so that it's easy to fail the build if a SLA fails.

Sreenivasan S.
Sreenivasan S.

Sreenivasan S.

71 / 100

Thanks for the response, Chris.

Reading through the response, I reckon you have missed out on providing link to the documentation?

Divya G.
Divya G.

Divya G.

73 / 100

Hi Chris,

I was able to successfully execute commandline script to connect to tfs...but i am not sure how to validate or go ahead and use tfs just like other collab servers. Can you please let me know. Thank you.
