Unanswered question

I am integrating neoload with Bamboo and I am getting error as " Unable to publish artifact [neoload-report]:"

This is the command I have given

-project "C:\Users\Documents\NeoLoad Projects\NeoloadScripts\NeoloadScripts.nlp"
-launch NeoloadExecution

-report "${bamboo.build.working.directory}/neoload-report/report.xml,${bamboo.build.working.directory}/neoload-report/report.html"

-SLAJUnitResults ${bamboo.build.working.directory}/neoload-report/junit-results.xml

-noGUI -exit

Pavithra M.
Pavithra M.

Pavithra M.

45 / 100


I guess you are able to manually run that command line from your NeoLoad machine right?

Do you have other logs from Bamboo since it could be a permission issue to write data into that neoload-report folder?

Pavithra M.
Pavithra M.

Pavithra M.

45 / 100

Hi Nouredine A.

I am able to execute manually from command line from Neoload Machine and I don't have any issue.

When I am executing from Bamboo I am getting error. Please see the attached log file

When you run it manually what paths did you use for the reports?

I'm wondering if your issue is with the forward slash for /neoload-report that you used.

Could you try with backslash instead like this ${bamboo.build.working.directory}\neoload-report\report.html for all the report options?

Pavithra M.
Pavithra M.

Pavithra M.

45 / 100

Hi Nouredine A,

When I execute manually, I am giving below command. I tested whether I am able to write manually to the path of Bamboo and there is no issues
cd C:\Program Files\NeoLoad 5.3\bin
NeoLoadCmd -project "C:\Users\594638\Documents\NeoLoad Projects\NeoloadScripts\NeoloadScripts.nlp" -launch NeoloadExecution -report "C:\Users\594638\Downloads\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\HE-WO-JOB1\neoload-report\report.xml,C:\Users\594638\Downloads\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\HE-WO-JOB1\neoload-report\report.html" -noGUI -exit

When I tried with backslash , I am getting the same error message. Could not find where is the issue. kindly assist. Please see the attached screen shot