Unanswered question

Neoload Monitor from Unix Box

Hi ,
We have Neoload installed on unix box and we are having webserver and database server on windows environment so while connecting to that host I am getting the bellow message "Windows Monitors are available on Windows-based Monitoring Agent only" and its not allowing me to move further .Please let me know you comments on this.

Abhidip K.
Abhidip K.

Abhidip K.

1 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

NeoLoad uses Perfmon API to monitor the Microsoft Products. That means that the monitoring agent has to be installed on a Windows machine to monitor Microsoft Products.

You can keep your NeoLoad controller on Unix and install a remote monitoring agent on a Windows machine (not necessarly on the servers you would like to monitor).

You can download the Windows installer for NeoLoad and choose Monitoring agent during the installation.

Then discover your remote monitoring agent from your NeoLoad controller.