Unanswered question

How can I parametize Silverlight xml requests...getting 500 errors on playback

We are getting 500 errors because the requests have a date/time time stamp. Is there any way to get around it?
I have attached the request and the response.

Melvin C.
Melvin C.

Melvin C.

25 / 100


In that request you have some WS Security settings. You should create a Web Service security profile in NeoLoad and apply it to your request so the date can be automatically handled by NeoLoad.

A link from the NeoLoad documentation here

You can create a username and timestamp token.

Melvin C.
Melvin C.

Melvin C.

25 / 100

Nouredine can you attach more details of how to accomplish this? Maybe an example?

I made some screen shots of a profile setup. Go to the NeoLoad preferences to create your WS profile like described in the NeoLoad documentation.

Then edit your SOAP request and apply your profile to your request like shown in the screen shot.

One more thing, your request uses WS-Addressing which is not supported by NeoLoad. But it does not mean that it won't work. Give it a try with the WS profile.

Melvin C.
Melvin C.

Melvin C.

25 / 100

The solution does not seem to work...getting the same error.