Unanswered question

Stop a Jenkins started test with excessive errors automatically

We have a Jenkins job which kicks off a Neoload test using the cron timer. We would like to stop a test automatically if it has excessive runtime errors.

Is there a method that we can use to stop an unmonitored test based on the level of errors? Is it possible to stop a test based on an SLA policy which has been exceeded?

Jamie S.
Jamie S.

Jamie S.

32 / 100


There's no built-in feature in NeoLoad that can do that and i do not see any other way to do it. But it could be a good enhancement especially when the test is run through Jenkins.

Jamie S.
Jamie S.

Jamie S.

32 / 100

I think I came up with a solution.

I created a variable of type counter. The scope is global and when out of values it's set to stop the test. The starting value is 0 and the max value is how many errors we want to stop the test at. Increment value is 1.

In my catches, I increment this counter. Once the max value is reached the test should be stopped.

This seems to work in my smoke tests but I've yet to have real world test of it. I'll report back once I do.