Unanswered question

Using some special characters such as colon and slash in scenario name

It is observed that using certain special characters in scenario name will cause result manager unable to generate HTML, XML report nor displaying results in Neoload windows. A possible cause would be the scenario name will be used to create a folder in windows. The workaround is to only use English characters but can we have a way to recover and restore my already executed scenarios?

Gavin C.
Gavin C.

Gavin C.

2 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

The allowed characters are different when NeoLoad runs on Linux and Windows. For example your scenario name works properly on Linux but on Windows the files that contains your scenario name cannot be created.

You can apply the procedure below to recover your test result but you will loose some of summary statistics.

  1. Close your NeoLoad project (NeoLoad can still be started)
  2. Go to your project test result folder and make a backup
  3. Edit the project.zip file.
  4. Edit scenario.xml and project.xml files
  5. Search for your scenario name on both files and rename it without any special characters
  6. Save and update the file inside the project.zip file
  7. Remove the "summary.db" file inside your test result folder
  8. Run the command: NeoLoadCmd -repairTestResult "<path to your result folder>"

That should re-create a summary.db file

Open your project in NeoLoad and filter it by time to get some summary data (not all of them).