The raw data are not available in NeoLoad Web yet. It's a feature that is planned for the future but there's no ETA yet. But they are available on NeoLoad side in case.
You can't change that for the existing tests but for the futur tests you can add that option "-exitCodeFailIgnore" in your command line to force the exit code to 0 instead of 1...
You can look at the "NeoLoad as code" guide:
and the YAML syntax:
I've not tried but in theory you can concatenate values ${}+++${user.pass}
You could pop them off the queue into a variable and then use some javascript to split the...
In counter variable I am passing the start value as 001 but it is taking it as 1. How to start the values as 001. In loadrunner we have number format. How to define this in neoload
I have written a java code which returns same variable. when i call it from javascript is it possible to store the returned values in my variables? if yes what is the syntax?
In NeoLoad design section if you drag and drop a Javascript from the action area you have a squeleton of examples like how to get a value from a variable or how to store a value...